The ProficiencyBench™ Curriculum is designed to give students the materials, tools, and resources they need to successfully integrate themselves into a business setting, regardless of their role.  This curriculum will enable the students to identify and acquire core business skills, transition quickly and easily into any workplace environment, and interact well and productively with fellow employees, managers, stakeholders, and customers. All of these groups often have different perspectives, cultures and backgrounds and thus different viewpoints, which can make interaction more difficult without proper understanding of business etiquette. The curriculum also outlines how to set SMART goals, make effective workplace decisions, and think strategically.

Curriculum Purpose

The purpose of the ProficiencyBench™ Curriculum is to provide a set of fundamental business skills that employees, team leaders and managers within organizations and those working with partners and external stakeholders can use to communicate effectively, successfully navigate the workplace environment, think strategically, and make effective workplace decisions.

Curriculum Scope

The learning outcomes of the ProficiencyBench™ curriculum are designed to provide students with the resources they need to successfully navigate the workplace environment. The introductory courselet addresses ethics, followed by goal setting, time management, stress management, effective communication (both oral and written), business presentations and meetings, decision making and problem solving, navigating the workplace, business skills of success, and project management skills.


ProficiencyBench Curriculum has no prerequisites.

Certificate requisites

Academic: To fulfill the academic requirements of the curriculum, students must complete the curriculum with all courselets and satisfactorily complete all lab assignments, as well as the knowledge checks in the curriculum. Knowledge checks and the lab assignments are created to test student achievement of established learning outcomes.

Certificate issuance: To be issued a certificate of completion, a student must complete all the academic requirements of the curriculum. Upon successful completion of the ProficiencyBench™ exam, the student will receive a certificate of completion for the exam.

Certificate maintenance and use: Each certificate has a unique serial number which is tracked by the CBA Education Administrator. Certificate is not transferable to another person or company. The certificate can only be used while it is valid. When certificate is invalidated for any reason, the person can no longer use the certificate.

Completion requirements

Study course materials

Pass all knowledge checks, labs and exam


Student will receive Certificate of Completion upon completing the academic requirements of the ProficiencyBench™ Curriculum. Student will also be awarded a certificate of completion upon completing the Business Proficiency Exam. Certificates are available for download upon completion.

Technical Requirements

For hardware, we recommend a dual-core CPU with at least 2G of memory. We recommend any operating system capable of running the latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox 5.x and later. For browser, We recommend running either Mozilla Firefox 5.x and later or Chrome. Why? Both browsers provide excellent support for web real-time communications (WebRTC). Safari 5.x and later, Internet Explorer 10.x and later, and Microsoft Edge will work as well, but Chrome and Mozilla Firefox 5.x and later will deliver better audio in lower bandwidth conditions.

Information Regarding Changes to the Certificate Program

The Center for Business Acceleration will strive to deliver its courselets and curriculums in accordance with the descriptions provided on the CBA website at the time of enrollment. However, in some situations it might be beneficial or necessary for the CBA to implement changes to courselets or curriculums. The changes will not be very substantial so as to have impact on students who have already started their courselet or curriculum. In some circumstances where it is necessary for the CBA to implement such changes after enrollment due to developments in the relevant subject, advances in teaching or evaluation practice, or requirements of accreditation processes, students will be notified of the changes made to courselets or curriculum immediately.